i am trying to hide a component if it has no data to show however all i get is a whitespace in between my other components.
component to hide
<div v-if="this.show === true">
<template slot="card-content">
<div class="card-title">
<h3>{{ response.name }}</h3>
<div class="funds" v-for="item in response.content">
<div class="text">
<h3 class="fund-date">
{{ item.birthday }}
<h3 class="fund-name">
{{ item.name }}
mounted() {
this.$http.get("/api/v1/widgets/upcomingBirthdays").then((response) => {
this.response = response.data;
if (this.response.content.length == 0){
this.show = false;
parent where i use the component:
<div class="dashboard">
<div class="grid-1">
<div class="grid-2">
<div class="fund-cards"><funds-recently-started /></div>
<div class="fund-cards"><funds-recently-ended/></div>
<div class="grid-comments"><CommentsRecentlyAdded/></div>
<div class="fund-cards"><LatestNews/></div>
<div class="fund-cards"><MyFunds/></div>
<div class="fund-cards"><UpcomingBirthdays/></div>
<div class="fund-cards"><MyProspects/></div>
i have tried to use v-show and v-bind as well but that didn't seem to work either, is there i way i could hide the component?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65941563/is-there-a-way-to-hide-a-component-in-vue-js