I need to search in my dist directory for minified .js and .css files within jenkins.
I have a bash script with a find cmd, like this:
for path in $(/usr/bin/find dist/renew-online -maxdepth 1 -name "*.js" -or -name "*.css" -type f); do
# URL of the JavaScript file on the web server
echo "url=$linkTarget/$path"
Where linkTarget is: http://uat.xxxx.com/renew-online.
I want to attach the minified files form dist/renew-online to the linkTarget, for example:
BUT I keeping getting: http://uat.xxxx.com/renew-online/dist/renew-online/main-es2015.cf7da54187dc97781fff.js
I've tried with -maxdepth 0 also but can't get the correct url - newbie at scripts!
Hopefully one of you guys can help, thanks your time
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65939232/jenkins-bash-script-remove-directory-path-from-find-command-results