I have the following list of maps:
variable "virtual_machines" {
default = {
"master1" = {
name = "z-ca-bdc-master1"
worker_node = false
ipv4_address = ""
ipv4_netmask = "22"
ipv4_gateway = ""
dns_server = ""
ram = 8192
logical_cpu = 4
disk0_size = 40
disk1_size = 0
"master2" = {
name = "z-ca-bdc-master2"
worker_node = false
ipv4_address = ""
ipv4_netmask = "22"
ipv4_gateway = ""
dns_server = ""
ram = 8192
logical_cpu = 4
disk0_size = 40
disk1_size = 0
I would like to collect all the virtual machine names: z-ca-bdc-master1, z-ca-bdc-master2 etc and use them with templatefile:
locals {
vm_names = values(var.virtual_machines)[*].name
resource "local_file" "kubespray_inventory" {
content = templatefile("templates/kubespray_inventory.tpl", {
k8s_master_host = local.vm_names
k8s_node_host = local.vm_names
filename = "k8s_hosts"
However, when I run terraform plan, I get:
Error: Error in function call
on main.tf line 49, in resource "local_file" "kubespray_inventory":
49: content = templatefile("templates/kubespray_inventory.tpl", {
50: k8s_master_host = local.vm_names
51: k8s_node_host = local.vm_names
52: })
| local.vm_names is tuple with 5 elements
Call to function "templatefile" failed:
templates/kubespray_inventory.tpl:2,3-16: Invalid template interpolation
value; Cannot include the given value in a string template: string required.,
and 2 other diagnostic(s).
The template file I'm using looks like this:
I know that I need to add some logic to differentiate between master and worker nodes, but in the first instance I want to get the file created.
Can someone please advise how I go about fixing this - thanks
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65936964/terraform-templatefile-interpolation-issue-with-list