i downloaded a file, theres bunch of ts files, m3u8 file and the key.
my m3u8
ts-000000.ts // so on until until ts-050000.ts
i have the ts files downloaded, its 10gb+
the key like "R?D?£??R?D?£??R?D?£??"
i tried to combining the ts files to a mp4 with ffmpeg
start with installing using
setx /M PATH "ffmpegin;%PATH%"
then converting it (i googled it)
ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,tls,tcp,https,crypto -allowed_extensions ALL -i m3u8file.m3u8 -c copy output.mp4
here the error message
Error when loading first segment 'ts-000000.ts'
m3u8file.m3u8: Invalid data found when processing input
is it possible to create mp4 without reencoding it?
please help me thank you
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65934256/converting-downloaded-aes-128-encrypted-m3u8-files-to-mp4-using-ffmpeg