I have some problems to use External Workspace manager. My application has to copy directories from my computer to a shared disk delared with External Worspace manager.After that I want to copy these directories from another server to use these directories and files.
I succeeded in creating the disk, I succeeded in copying data from my computer to the shared disk but after , the other server can't access the shared disk
her is the code:
def extWorkspace = exwsAllocate 'JENKINS_DISK' def path_ext = extWorkspace.getCompleteWorkspacePath()
pipeline { agent any
stages {
stage('copie de la vue depuis le PC vers le Master') {
steps {
bat 'mkdir "%WORKSPACE%\%BUILD_NUMBER%\"'
exws (extWorkspace){
bat 'mkdir "TOTO_PC"'
stage('essai master') {
steps {
bat 'mkdir "%WORKSPACE%\%BUILD_NUMBER%\"'
exws (extWorkspace){
bat 'mkdir "TOTO_MASTER"'
stage('copie de la vue depuis le Master vers le serveur GenCode') {
steps {
bat 'mkdir "%WORKSPACE%\%BUILD_NUMBER%\"'
bat 'echo %path_ext%'
exws (extWorkspace){
bat 'mkdir "TOTO_TSYLW8"'
stage('cessai2') {
steps {
exws (extWorkspace){
bat 'mkdir "TOTO2_PC"'
TOTO_PC directory creation is working TOTO_MASTER directory is created in C:Windows instead of being created in the shared disk TOTO_TSYLW8 directory creation generate an acces denied error, Jenkins tries to creat it in C:Windows of tsylw8 instead of creating it in the shared disk.
Can you help me??
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65933708/jenkins-external-workspace-manager-problems