I have a .csv file which I'm grouping on two properties 'DN', 'SKU' and then performing a sum on another property 'DeliQty' This works fine and the sum is reflected back to the group. However I then need to re group just on 'DN' and write out to separate files. I've tried Select-Object -Expand Group but this reverts to the original contents without the summed lines.
Is there a way to un group preserving the summed lines and then group again?
$CSVFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path C:ScriptsINVENTORYASNIMPORT -Filter *.csv
foreach ($csv in $CSVFiles) {
$group = Import-Csv $csv.FullName | Group-Object DN, SKU
$group | Where Count -gt 1 | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group[0].'DeliQty' = ($_.Group | Measure-Object DeliQty -Sum).Sum
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65925745/powershell-group-object-expand-and-group-again