How do I access the Console Identity (under System Administration in the web / ISC console) in WebSphere Application Server traditional from a wsadmin script? I'm on WebSphere 9.0.0.
At minimum, I'm guessing the code would look something like I have below, but I don't know how to find what to put in the <blank>
cidKey = AdminConfig.list('<blank1>')
AdminTask.modify(cidKey, '[[<blank2> "New Console Identity"]]')
The WebSphere web UI, the ISC, doesn't show Command Assistance for this, and searching the web for wsadmin "console identity"
returns results about SSO which are not relevant to my goal.
Update 1
Some documentation from IBM suggests that the console is a Deployment called "isclite", and there is a property called "ISC.CONSOLE.ID.CUSTOM" that has the value I want to see and manipulate. Shown below, I can get the deployment, but I'm not sure how to drill in to the property (or attribute?) I want.
print AdminConfig.getid("/Deployment:isclite")
>>> isclite(cells/ctgCell01/applications/isclite.ear/deployments/isclite|deployment.xml#Deployment_1162483845425)
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