So this is my code for sending an embed, that says Loading shop with the dots changing. However, I am getting a pretty strange error message, which first tells me the error is at msg.delete() with "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'delete' of undefined" and then a second one at the second msg.edit() saying "Cannot read property 'edit' of undefined". I searched up the docs and many forums, but the .then() syntax should be right. Any idea?
var embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setColor("GOLD").setTitle("Loading shop");
.then(msg => {setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit(embed.setTitle("Loading shop."))}, 500)})
.then(msg => {setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit(embed.setTitle("Loading shop.."))}, 500)})
.then(msg => {setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit(embed.setTitle("Loading shop..."))}, 500)})
.then(msg => {setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit(embed.setTitle("Loading shop"))}, 500)})
.then(msg => {setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit(embed.setTitle("Loading shop."))}, 500)})
.then(msg => {setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit(embed.setTitle("Loading shop.."))}, 500)})
.then(msg => {setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit(embed.setTitle("Loading shop..."))}, 500)})
.then(msg => {msg.delete()});
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