I have a python script I want to pack into .exe
file for the ease of use. The python script makes extensive use of Tkinter module for nice GUI. I've packed it first into .exe
using pyinstaller and the guide outlied here - https://datatofish.com/executable-pyinstaller/
I have two problems. First is that my script makes use of FlowCal module, which doesn't come with Python's pyinstaller (I've made script using Spyder, and I'm using Python 3.8. to compile using pyinstaller) - so I installed FlowCal with pip install FlowCal
so Python gets it too (I think that's how it works? Not too sure). But then FlowCal is dependent on various sklearn modules, and it would be a headache to install modules, compile to exe, then check if it works over and over. Is there a way that ALL modules script uses (and ALL modules that imported modules use) are compiled into the script?
Second problem is that alongside GUI I get another window. Picture included. How do I remove that window?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65918647/packing-python-scripts-into-exe-file-while-keeping-imported-modules