1 100016651 100024270 0 0 1 100049909 100069685 0 0 1 100059878 100061949 0 0 1 100059878 100068586 0 2 1 100087308 100099999 0 0 1 100102955 100110483 0 2 1 100119018 100122484 2 0 1 1001237 1001530 0 0 1 100155051 100168594 0 2 1 100214817 100218747 0 2
I have a bed file that contains this type of columns and I want to select the only rows which contain $4 or $5 values greater than 0. for example after select rows that contain >0 values: 1 100059878 100068586 0 2 1 100102955 100110483 0 2 1 100119018 100122484 2 0 1 100155051 100168594 0 2 1 100214817 100218747 0 2
Please can you suggest to me how to doing this? Thanks in advance
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65914286/extract-rows-which-contains-0-values