I'm having a website developed with linux server and an api driven front-end. Most, if not all users are from the UK. The front-end allows a user to published and unpublish an article at set times. The user can select from a date picker. The front-end developer has used date-fns library, not sure to what capacity. I think this helps to adjust for time zones.
When the linux server receives the update request, it is timestamped and saved in mongoDB. When a user visits the page, depending on current server time the article is allowed to be viewed.
I'm unsure how to set the server up and to what extent the server time has an influence on articles/time zones. Here is a screenshot I took in October:
Previously the time zone was set to UTC but then it did not account for BST, then I changed it to Europe/London timezone.
One blog I read, suggested time should be specified in UTC and the front-end should localise time, so a bit confused if I've done this correctly, or I understand it. I'm beginning to think there are a few elements that I have mixed up here and would be grateful for some clarification. Thank you.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65910062/setting-up-linux-server-to-run-web-application