I'm trying to set focus to the OK button so that the user can press Enter after being able to do the same with the No button on the front window.
So, I have the No button on the first (VBScript) window focused so the user can hit Enter to close it. After they do this, I'm able to set focus to the back (IE) window, but, even though it looks like the OK button already has focus, you can't hit the Enter key to close that window.
Here's what I have:
[other code irrelevant to the question which builds the objIE window]
objIE.Visible = True 'Set visible to True to see the IE window
Disp_Respo = MsgBox("Do you want to see the full details of this group record?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbSystemModal + vbDefaultButton2, "Full Details")
If Disp_Respo = vbYes Then
objIE.Quit 'If the user wants to see full details, close the current IE window
Set objIE = Nothing
Call Expand_Display(GrpType) 'Function that gathers additional details, then creates new IE window
Exit Function
WShell.AppActivate Win_Title 'Activate the current IE window so user can review data, then click OK to close
End If
objIE.document.all.OK.Focus 'In earlier code for display, OK button was created with the ID "OK". Using this to set focus to IE window again
Do Until FormExit = "GO" 'Keep the IE window visible until the OK button is clicked
If objIE.document.all.OK.Value = 1 Then 'If OK button value is set to 1 after being clicked, close the window
Exit Function
End If
I hope this is enough to go on. If not, please let me know so I can clarify.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65909626/vbscript-get-ok-focus-on-back-window-after-closing-front-window