NOTE: there is an edit to this question below
I have used git clone ssh://etc
before to pull a remote repository
Is there a way to clone that repository from a specific commit point?
I'm wanting to pull only what happened on master
say from 1 year ago. The repo is 14 years old and huge.
If this is not possible, is there a way to clone the repo, and then locally compact everything (including all indexes and so forth) into a single "pseudo" commit as if it was the initial code commit? Thanks.
The accepted answer found here does not work in this case. The process only pulls down a repo of the same size, and the entire history is still available (and takes up space).
owilliams@OWILLIAMS010451 ~ % du -sh xms_v* 3:32:56
1.6G xms_v3
1.6G xms_v3_ObjectExplorer
1.4G xms_v3_shallow <-- no change
Not shown but if I move the .git
folder out of the repo, the size is only 524M.
Here is what it looks like in SourceTree:
What I am wanting is to see a single commit with a matching the remote, and what I would a assume as a "pseudo" squashed commit prior to that, as if that was my first code commit.
question from: