I'm trying to create a dynamic folder structure within Gatsby other then just grunting through and explicitly creating all sub folder ahead of time. I figured this could very easily be created using allMarkdownRemark
Something simple like:
- mainFolder
- item
- item
- item
- folder
But using:
query pageList {
navLinks: allMarkdownRemark{
nodes {
frontmatter {
and with the filters I can apply it seems I can't find anything to limit depth of folders. I can either explicitly name folders as sub and use a regex filter, but then each subfolder has to be sub2 or something with a new filter to find it's child and so on, it just seems to get super messy.
Is there any way to just get depths? of find out the depth of each folder?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65893796/trying-to-only-query-each-level-of-depth-in-markdown-folders