Google Sheets. I want to get the next smaller value of the current value in COL A.
I've tried this...
Looks good for the moment if the values in COL A are sorted. The formula above is needed to pasted in each field.
"but", I want to use ARRAYFORMULA()
... I'm trying a long time (months) with breaks ...
That's one of my last tests.
=ArrayFormula(IF(ROW(G:G)=1;"Trip"; IF(ROW(G:G)<3;"0"; MAX( FILTER(INDIRECT("A" & ROW() );MAX(A:A)) ) ))
I've already tried VLOOKUP, too. But maybe I'm at the wrong way.
Unfortunately I didn't found a solution which match my case.
Does anybody can solve my issue? Or give me a hint to can solve this by my-self?
UPDATE Jan 26, 2021
Here we go... I've created a dummy sheet based on original values but cut not needed cols.
Col A - is the "current value" Col G+H - are some tries with ArrF
Col J - is working but not with ArrF - Shows the diff to the last value. Yes this can also be done without INDIRECT() and Co. But I want to try the basic logic.
Col K - show the last value.
Currently Col A is sorted. But if not the diff isn't working. I have added some values from above (grey marked) to simulate.
The goal should be to get the next smaller value of "current" COL A using ArrayFormula.
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