I have rdl files locally, and I want to use SSRS Rest API to update the reports in the report server (if there are any changes.)
I am using PATCH to send the request to the report server. Like this
BaseUrl: http://<report_server_ip>/reports/api/v2.0/reports(d0d2791e-b332-4d45-a233-579e86c1fc70)
Method: PATCH
Content Type: application/json
"Name":"My Report",
"Description": "",
"Path": "/Test/My Report",
"Type": "Report",
"Hidden": false,
For Content
, I open the rdl file and read all bytes and convert it to Base64 string. Like this:
content=File.ReadAllBytes(path) //path is the local rdl file path
If I open the rdl file in a text editor (Notepad++), I see that the report parameter XML node has changes but when I send the PATCH request, the report parameters in the report server are not updated.
Here is the link to the SSRS Rest API: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/microsoft-rs/SSRS/2.0#/Reports/UpdateReport
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65889043/ssrs-rest-api-report-patch-doesnt-update-parameters