I want to aggregate data from 2 tables (A, B) which are linked via a 3rd table (KeyModel). I know about the use of Django's queryset methods 'values' and 'annotate', and managed to create complex queries with it, but this one I got stuck with:
model A
key = ForeignKey(KeyModel)
value_1 = IntegerField()
model B
key = ForeignKey(KeyModel)
value_2 = IntegerField()
model KeyModel
<some irrelevant fields>
data - model/ table A
key_id | value_1
4711 | 100
data - model/ table B
key_id | value_2
4711 | 100
4711 | 100
4711 | 100
I like to achieve this result:
-- key_id | sum_value_1 | sum_value_2
-- 4711 | 100 | 300
The following django/ python code generates the wrong SQL:
qs = table_a.objects.filter(key_id=4711)
qs = qs.values('key_id')
qs = qs.annotate(sum_value_1=SUM(value_1))
qs = qs.annotate(sum_value_2=SUM(KeyModel__table_b__value_2))
will generate
SUM(A.value_1) AS sum_value_1,
SUM(B.value_2) AS sum_value_2
FROM table_a A
JOIN table_b B ON B.key_id=A.key_id
WHERE A.key_id=4711
GROUP BY A.key_id;
But this is not what I need. The join triples the rows from table A, so the result is
key_id | sum_value_1 | sum_value_2
4711 | 300 | 300
A 'slightly' changed SQL is doing what I want:
SUM(A.value_1) AS sum_value_1,
FROM table_a A
SUM(B.value_2) AS sum_value_2
FROM table_b B
GROUP BY B.key_id
) V ON V.key_id=A.key_id
WHERE A.key_id=4711
GROUP BY A.key_id, V.sum_value_2;
But, how to do that with django queryset methods? (btw: django 2.2) I am pretty sure it is a tiny detail I miss - but after having turned around the various code pieces a number of times I got lost - thanks for any hint.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65888963/django-joining-a-nested-group-by