I'm receiving the following request in the server that I'm extracting using (-> req :params):
It contains a file "video" with a name and blobId. However, I want to access the file's data and save it to a file. So far, I've tried the following:
(defn upload-shot-video [req]
(prn "uploading video")
(prn "video is! " (-> req :multipart-params))
(prn "video is " (-> req :params))
(prn "video before is " (slurp (-> req :body)))
(.reset (-> req :body))
(prn "req full" (-> req))
(prn "video after is " (-> req :body))
(prn "video is! " (-> req :multipart-params))
(clojure.java.io/copy (-> req :body) (clojure.java.io/file "./resources/public/video.mov"))
(let [filename (str (rand-str 100) ".mov")]
:bucket-name "humboi-videos"
:key filename
:file "./resources/public/video.mov"
:access-control-list {:grant-permission ["AllUsers" "Read"]})
(db/add-video {:name (-> req :params :name)
:uri (str "https://humboi-videos.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/" filename)}))
(r/response {:res "okay!"}))
In which I'm trying to save the (-> req :body) into the file (which is an inputstream). This must be incorrect. What's the correct way to save this file that the server has received into a file, by saving the data into a file on the server? How to extract this data from the request?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65879854/how-to-save-the-file-in-the-server