I have two vertical stacks. The first one contains the Image and the second contains the TextField. I'm playing around with keyboard appearing/disappearing behaviour. When keyboard appears I increase the bottom padding of the TextField hence VStack #2 is getting higher and VStack #1 is getting lower (at least it looks like this). What I want to achieve is to get Image scaled proportionally to the remaining area.
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { g in
VStack {
VStack { // VStack #1
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.padding(.top, g.size.height * 0.0243)
Text("Sample text")
VStack { // VStack #2
TextField("Enter Email", text: $email)
width: g.size.width,
height: g.size.height * 0.698,
alignment: .center
I expected that resizable
and aspectRatio
modifiers should do this work dynamically but they don't. The Image partially hidden behind the increased VStack.
What else should I try? Thank you in advance.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65875158/dynamically-scaling-image-depending-on-remaining-space