We are getting the following error on compiling our Xamarin Forms iOS project through App Center Build environment.
We are struggling to understand the root cause of this error. More so because this project was compiling earlier. The only changes we have done (since the previous successfully compilation) is update to the latest version of Xamarin Forms library as well as latest version of Visual Studio.
MTOUCH : error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'System.Void UIKit.UIDatePicker::set_PreferredDatePickerStyle(UIKit.UIDatePickerStyle)', referenced from the method 'System.Void Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.DatePickerRendererBase1::OnElementChanged(Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.ElementChangedEventArgs
1<Xamarin.Forms.DatePicker>)' in 'Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065'. [/Users/runner/work/1/s/USR_Practice/USR_Practice.iOS/USR_Practice.iOS.csproj]
Since we do not have a MAC, we depend on Appcenter for the iOS builds. Is this is a problem with our project/code OR with Appcenter. How can we resolve it?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65866328/compilation-error-on-compiling-xamarin-forms-ios-project