I'm trying to handle JWT-authentication in gRPC on my backend. I can extract the JWT in an interceptor but how do I access it in my service? I think it should be done with a CoroutineContextServerInterceptor but this doesn't work:
val jwtKey: Context.Key<String> = Context.key("jwtKey")
fun main() {
object UserInjector : CoroutineContextServerInterceptor() {
override fun coroutineContext(call: ServerCall<*, *>, headers: Metadata): CoroutineContext {
val jwtString = headers.get(Metadata.Key.of("jwt", Metadata.ASCII_STRING_MARSHALLER))
println("coroutineContext: $jwtString")
return GrpcContextElement(Context.current().withValue(jwtKey, jwtString))
object MyService : MyServiceGrpcKt.MyServiceCoroutineImplBase() {
override suspend fun testingJWT(request: Test.MyRequest): Test.MyResponse {
println("testingJWT: ${jwtKey.get()}")
return Test.MyResponse.getDefaultInstance()
coroutineContext: something
testingJWT: null
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65861235/how-can-i-access-header-in-a-service