I am developing a rest application.
Some endpoints require a custom header parameter, not related to authorisation. I created a custom annotation using jax-rs NameBinding. Here is an usage example:
public int get(
@Parameter(ref = "#/components/parameters/banks")
String bank) {
return someService.getSomeInformation();
There is a provider that intercepts this call and do some routine using the information in the header parameter.
The problem is that I have to repeat '@HeaderParam("bank") @Parameter(ref = "#/components/parameters/banks") String bank' everywhere, just so it appears in Swagger, even though the service classes do not need it. I was able to at least reuse the parameter definition with ref = "#/components/parameters/banks", and declaring it in the OpenAPI.yml file, that Quarkus merges with generated code very nicely.
But I also want to create and interceptor to dynamically add this do the OpenApi definition whenever RequiresBankHeader annotation is present.
Is there a way to do it?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65860644/smallrye-open-api-interceptor