I am writing an assertion check for the following structure
Basically, I want to check that output is equal to d1 when select signal is 0 and output is equal to d2 when select signal is 1.
I did something like this:
property check_mux_out (clk, rst, en, d1, output, d2, select);
@(posedge clk)
if (select)
(rst==0) && (en==1) |-> (output === d2);
(rst==0) && (en==1) |-> (output === d1);
a1: assert property (check_mux_out(inst1_clk, inst1_rst, latch_en, signal1, inst_out, signal2, inst_select)) else $error("ERROR: output not equal input");
However I came across some posts from https://verificationacademy.com/forums/systemverilog/conditional-statement-assertion-property and https://verificationacademy.com/forums/systemverilog/clock-period-checker-sva that seem to suggest that if..else statements should not be used within systemverilog properties. Why is it so? Is what I did wrong and why?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65856569/why-are-if-else-statements-not-encouraged-within-systemverilog-assertion-prop