Is it possible, to skip/ignore disk_encryption_set_id =
line if var.encrypt = false
, and execute it if var.encrypt = true
, i know for dynamic block, but it's used to replace values
resource "azurerm_managed_disk" "this" {
count = var.number_of_managed_disks
name = format("%s-%s-%s-%s", var.environment_name, var.vm_name, "Managed_Disk", count.index)
location = var.resource_group_location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
create_option = "Empty"
disk_size_gb = var.disk_size
disk_encryption_set_id =
tags = merge(map("Name", format("%s-%s-%s-%s", var.environment_name, var.vm_name, "Managed_Disk", count.index+1)))
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