I am using flutter_branch_sdk package to integrate branch IO SDK
I am trying to track the user install attribution, where user coming from such as user coming from twitter, Instagram, and such a xyz website
flutter version:
Flutter 1.22.5 channel stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git Framework revision 7891006299 (6 weeks ago) ? 2020-12-10 11:54:40 -0800 Engine ? revision ae90085a84 Tools ? Dart 2.10.4
inside init method I check the FlutterBranchSdk.validateSDKIntegration(); and it through the error
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544):
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): ------------------- Initiating Branch integration verification --------------------------- ...
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): 1. Verifying Branch instance creation ...
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): Passed
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): 2. Checking Branch keys ...
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): Passed
I/BranchSDK( 8544): getting https://api2.branch.io/v1/app-link-settings/key_test_pp6bmR0ECJa5GS3?metadata
I/BranchSDK( 8544): returned {"android_uri_scheme":"https://companyname.com://","android_package_name":"com.abc.name.app","short_url_domain":"","default_short_url_domain":"abc.test-app.link","alternate_short_url_domain":" test link change for security purpose","ios_uri_scheme":"iOS url","ios_team_id":"iOS_team id","ios_bundle_id":"id"}
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): 3. Verifying application package name ...
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): ** ERROR ** : Incorrect package name in Branch dashboard. Please correct your package name in dashboard -> link Settings page.
D/BranchSDK_Doctor( 8544): Please follow the link for more info https://docs.branch.io/pages/dashboard/integrate/#android
PS: some above information change for security purpose but I check several time my package name is correct
for the last two days I am stick on this topic
Thanks in advance :)
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65852402/flutter-branch-io-integration-and-attribution-implement