Most examples for JWT token use clj-time which is now deprecated in favor of native java.time. I'm trying to use java-time along with buddy to sign/verify tokens but I'm stuck trying to pass the exp claim to my token. Here's an example of what I have:
(ns test-app.test-ns
[buddy.sign.jwt :as jwt]
[buddy.auth.backends.token :as bat]
[java-time :as t]))
(def secret "myfishysecret")
(def auth-backend (bat/jws-backend {:secret secret
:options {:alg :hs512}}))
(def token (jwt/sign {:user "slacker"
:exp (t/plus (t/local-date-time) (t/seconds 60))
} secret {:alg :hs512}))
When tyring to test if I can unsign the token
(jwt/unsign token secret {:alg :hs512})
I get the following error:
Execution error (JsonGenerationException) at cheshire.generate/generate (generate.clj:152). Cannot JSON encode object of class: class java.time.LocalDateTime: 2021-01-22T12:37:52.206456
So, I tried to pass the same by encapsulating the call to (t/plus ...) inside a (str) but then I get this error:
class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.lang.Number
(java.lang.String and java.lang.Number are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
So, I'm stuck since I don't really know how to generate a valid exp number value using java-time (according to this question, format should be in seconds since the epoch). Older examples using clj-time just passed the exp claim value as
(clj-time.core/plus (clj-time.core/now) (clj-time.core/seconds 3600))
Any help is highly appreciated.
EDIT: Alan Thompson's answer works perfectly, for what's worth this would be the equivalent using the java-time wrapper:
(t/plus (t/instant) (t/seconds 60))
question from: