I tried to merge a node with apoc.merge.node but my ident property keys have a special char(:) and get double escaped. Did i miss something or does a workaround exist? If i replace the ":" with "_" everything works as expected.
Neo4j 4.2.1 community and APOC 4.2.0
CALL apoc.merge.node(["test"], apoc.map.fromPairs([["i:d","123"]])) YIELD node return node
Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.merge.node`: Caused by: org.neo4j.exceptions.SyntaxException: Invalid input 'i': expected "}" (line 1, column 17 (offset: 16))
"MERGE (n:test{``i:d``:$identProps.``i:d``}) ON CREATE SET n += $onCreateProps ON MATCH SET n += $onMatchProps RETURN n"
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65850959/apoc-merge-node-with-special-identifier-fails