Im trying to get documents that are on this day 11 months ago. I tried today and noticed
End: 2020-02-21T07:59:59.999Z
Sample: 2020-02-21T05:08:24.522Z -- for some reason it shows before the End date but also before Start date... I also noticed startOf("date") returns a date starting at 8AM?... Any way to do this comaprison as expected?
const elevenMthsAgoS = moment().subtract(11, "months").startOf("date");
const elevenMthsAgoE = moment().subtract(11, "months").endOf("date");
const old = await User.find(
$and: [
{ "activity.lastActive": { $gte: elevenMthsAgoS } },
{ "activity.lastActive": { $lt: elevenMthsAgoE } }
question from: