I have a question trying to understand the definition of the depth error due to triangulation from a pair of stereo rectified images.
The formula is as follows:
eps_z = bf/d - bf/(d+eps_d)
Where b is the baseline between left and right camera and d the disparity (pixel difference) between a reprojected point from 3D into both left and right camera planes. If everything was ideal eps_z and eps_d should be zero and the depth measured from both cameras should be the same.
My question is: why eps_d is only present in the right image? Shouldn't the disparity between L and R be the same as the one from R to L therefore the error should be the same or doesn't it have to be like that? I know if they are the same there is no depth error but for me seems counter intuitive that it changes depending on the direction.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65848584/depth-error-due-to-triangulation-in-stereo-systems