Discription: The k8s nginx-ingress-controllers are exposed in loadbalancer type(implemented by metallb) with ip addr Another nginx cluster is in front of k8s cluster and it has only one upstream which is ip addr).The request flow route:client -> nginx clusters -> nginx-ingress-controllers-> services.
Question: Sometimes nginx cluster reports very tiny little "upstream( time out" and finally the client got 504 timeout from nginx.
But When I dropped the nginx cluster and switch request flow to : client -> nginx-ingress-controllers-> services.It goes well and client didn't get 504 timeout any more.I am sure the network between nginx cluster and nginx ingress controller works well.
Most of requests can be handled by nginx cluster and return status 200.I have no idea why few requests report "upstream time out" and return status 504.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65838808/nginx-reports-upstream-connection-timeout