I am trying to follow the Apache documentation in order to integrate Prometheus with Apache Hadoop. One of the preliminary steps is to setup Apache Ozone cluster. However, I am finding issues in running the ozone cluster concurrently with Hadoop. It throws a class not found exception for "org.apache.hadoop.ozone.HddsDatanodeService" whenever I try to start the ozone manager or storage container manager.
I also found that ozone 1.0 release is pretty recent and it is mentioned that it is tested with Hadoop 3.1. I have a running Hadoop cluster of version of 3.3.0. Now, I doubt if the version is a problem.
The tar ball for Ozone also has the Hadoop config files, but I wanted to configure ozone with my existing Hadoop cluster. I want to configure the ozone with my existing hadoop cluster.
Please let me know what should be the right approach here. If this can not be done, then please also let me know what is good way to monitor and extract metrics for Apache Hadoop in production.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65836889/prometheus-integration-with-hadoop-ozone-cluster