My team uses a general RenderErrorWrapper component everywhere. Looks basically like this
export class RenderErrorWrapper extends React.PureComponent<RenderErrorWrapperProps, RenderErrorWrapperState> {
constructor(props: RenderErrorWrapperProps) {
this.state = { renderComponentSuccessful: true }
componentDidCatch(error: Error) {
this.setState({ renderComponentSuccessful: false })
render() {
if (!this.state.renderComponentSuccessful) {
return this.props.children
Now the thing is, this thing works. We know it works, it's a standard pattern for us, we see the errors this is catching, see the fallback UIs it displays.
We're also using the SvgUri
component from react-native-svg-uri
. Specifically the call we're doing is like
<SvgUri width={width} height={height} svgXmlData={xmlString} />
Now, if that xmlString isn't invalid, crazy things happen. We get an exception that bubbles all the way up, straight through our RenderErrorWrapper. We literally see the RenderErrorWrapper in the stack trace, but its ComponentDidCatch never gets called!
Invariant Violation: Text strings must be rendered within a <Text> component.
This error is located at:
in RNSVGGroup (at G.js:23)
in G (at Svg.js:127)
in RNSVGSvgView (at Svg.js:116)
in Svg (at react-native-svg-uri/index.js:168)
in RCTView (at View.js:45)
in View (at react-native-svg-uri/index.js:288)
in SvgUri (created by MyComponent)
in RenderErrorWrapper (created by MyComponent)
in RCTView (at View.js:45)
<< etc >>
I know react-native-svg-uri
is an abandoned library at this point, unfortunately we're basically stuck with it. What I'm more concerned about is how this exception manages to miss our error handling framework entirely, since that could happen with other issues as well.
What makes this error special that it can bypass our error handling?
question from: