I am writing a calcutalor which takes multiple inputs. I seperated numbers and operations to 2 different arrays. But I can't print the arrays because I am not familier with pointers and it is giving me their position.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
printf("You will enter your operations in number - operator order.
printf("How many numbers do you have to calculate?");
int how_many; //how many numbers the user has in his/her whole operation
int number_entry = how_many; //for example 1+2*9/5 has 4 numbers
int operator_entry = how_many - 1; //and 3 operators
int *number_in; //for every number as 1, 2 ,9 ,5 according to example
char *operator_in; // and for every operator as +, * , / according to example
int numbers[number_entry];
int ops[operator_entry];
int j;
printf("Enter the number : ");
numbers[j] = number_in;
printf("Enter the operation as + for add, - for substract, * for multiply and / for division: ");
scanf(" %c", &operator_in);
ops[j] = operator_in;
printf("Enter the number : ");
numbers[number_entry+1] = number_in;
int loop;
for(loop = 0; loop < number_entry; loop++)
printf("%d ", &numbers[loop]);
for(loop = 0; loop < operator_entry; loop++)
printf(" %c", ops[loop]);
return 0;
here you can see the output
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65834994/printing-an-array-in-c-with-pointer