In the GetList function the client sends a message and the StreamReply returns RowValue and boolean value from a loop one by one. How can I implement it with gRPC stream?
service GetList {
rpc Listdata (StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamReply){}
message StreamRequest{
string StreamName= 1;
bool boolean= 3;
message StreamReply{
string RowValue=1;
bool boolean = 2;
The problem lies in my go function. I don't understand how to simply stream values using stream.Send()
func (s *server) GetList(in *pb.StreamRequest, stream pb.GetList_ListdataServer) error {
strings:= "random strings"
count := 5
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
if err := stream.Send(strings, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
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