Maybe it is ordinary issue regarding iterating thru a dict. Please find below imovel.txt file, whose content is as follows:
{'Andar': ['primeiro', 'segundo', 'terceiro'], 'Apto': ['101','201','301']}
As you can see this is not a ordinary dictionary, with a key value pair; but a key with a list as key and another list as value
My code is:
def load_dict_from_file():
f = open('../txt/imovel.txt','r')
return eval(data)
thisdict = load_dict_from_file()
for key,value in thisdict.items():
and yields :
['primeiro', 'segundo', 'terceiro'] ['101', '201', '301']
I would like to print a key,value pair like
{'primeiro':'101, 'segundo':'201', 'terceiro':'301'}
Given such txt file above, is it possible?
question from: