I have a form that auto-populates text boxes from a table/query when a line in a listbox is clicked.
There is an image control to the right for the same 'Customer' selection.
I have the VBA correct for the auto population of the text boxes but I've not done this for images before.
My existing VBA:
With lst_Customers
txtCustomerCode.Value = .Column(0)
txtCustomerName.Value = .Column(1)
txtCustomerContact.Value = .Column(2)
txtHomeAddress.Value = .Column(3)
txtWorkAddress.Value = .Column(4)
End With
This is what the columns of the table/query looks like:
What is the VBA to add the image to the form in this process?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65830018/vba-to-autofill-image-control-from-table-query-column