I am trying to use this vue plugin in vuepress site
As the documentation (for plugin) is written in vuepress and contains the plugin (v-gallery) same is possible .
Imported the plugin locally in singlefile component
import VueGallery from "v-gallery/src/Gallery";
and proceeded as default instructions in the documentation
The issue
- The above during deploy/build throws a error window not defined ,but continues to build and deploys
- Is there a method to use the plugin globally by declaring it enhance.js (tried/failed{in build})
- Are there any other suggestions to getting it to work without the build error
- Please throw light on using vue plugin in vuepress in general
Tried contacting the plugin developer ,not avail
Tried using import VueGallery from "v-gallery";
to import in Sfc same failed
Link to github repo to reproduce
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65829017/use-a-vue-plugin-in-vuepress-by-a-wrapper