I am using this library https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-perfect-scrollbar the scroll bar is set up around a comment section where new comments are shown at the top. When a new comment is added to the top of the component it updates and the scroll bar automatically goes to the bottom of the component. Any idea how i can stop it from updating it's position when the component updates?
here's how the section of the function that sets up the container is set-up, children object contains the list which is managed in a different component.
const Container: FC<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> = useCallback(
props =>
match ? (
<PerfectScrollbar className={classes.scrollContainer} {...props} />
) : (
<div className={classes.staticContainer} {...props} />
return (
<Grid item {...gridProps} classes={{ item: classNames({ [classes.gridScroll]: match }) }}>
below is the css for classes.scrollContainer and classes.gridScroll
scrollContainer: {
padding: spacing(1),
paddingTop: spacing(4),
height: '100%'
gridScroll: {
height: '100%',
'&:last-child': {
'& $scrollContainer': {
paddingBottom: spacing(4)
I am trying to get it to not scroll to the bottom when the component is updated.
Thank You