I'm trying to push a local PostgreSQL database to one I've created on a Heroku app. To set up the Heroku database, I ran heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a jasons-react-jobly-app
, where jasons-react-jobly-app
is the name of my Heroku app.
Then I ran heroku pg:push jobly DATABASE_URL -a jasons-react-jobly-app
, where jobly
is the name of my local database.
This throws the below error:
heroku-cli: Pushing jobly ---> postgresql-animate-30221
(1 row)
! Cannot read property 'includes' of undefined
The error looks like an error that JavaScript throws when it tries to read properties of an undefined object or something, but I'm not sure where that would be happening in this database push. The app runs completely fine on my local machine with no errors. There is no case
column in any of my database tables, so I'm not sure where that number is coming from either.
Also, if I check my Heroku config variables with heroku config
, I see:
DATABASE_URL: postgres://iqawqkjfiybndd:c3e921131c239ccd6c880ad4b601deeaa4558339a90ebedc562a5575c9099f42@ec2-54-156-85-145.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/dul2u6r13aq5i
So I know the database exists.
Any help with solving this error?