The function is replicating each item that I place in. It runs through all of the panels, and places the additional items each time it runs. I have tried using the if statement that is placed but it is not working. I am placing the entire code block, but the issue starts at the let x = -1 variable. The full code block is strictly for reference. Please let me know if there is anything additional that I can provide. Additionally, .first() will not work for this instance.
function getRecordUI( alias, type, id, viewtype, version ) {
// Get record model from Data Model Registry
if ( type ) {
getJSONUIModel( type,
function ( data ) {
displayRecordSections( alias, type, id, version, viewtype, data );
function (error) {
console.log("Error getting UI model for type " + type);
displayRecordSections( alias, type, id, version, viewtype, null );
} else {
displayRecordSections( alias, type, id, version, viewtype, null );
let x = -1;
lastName = "";
$("#panels-region .panel-heading").each(function () {
let curName = $(this).attr("name")
if(!$('<a id="panels-sidebar-' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '" class="w3-bar-item" href="#panel-' + x + '-header" title="' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '"> ' + curName + '</a>')) {
$('<a id="panels-sidebar-' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '" class="w3-bar-item" href="#panel-' + x + '-header" title="' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '"> ' + curName + '</a>').insertAfter("#panels-sidebar" + lastName.replace(/ |//g, "_"))
lastName = "-" + curName;
$("#graph-region .panel-heading h4").each(function () {
let curName = $(this).text().replace("Collapse panelExpand panel", "")
if(!$('<a id="tree_viewers-sidebar-' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '" class="w3-bar-item" href="#panel-' + x + '-header" title="' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '"> ' + curName + '</a>')) {
$('<a id="tree_viewers-sidebar-' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '" class="w3-bar-item" href="#panel-' + x + '-header" title="' + curName.replace(/ |//g, "_") + '"> ' + curName + '</a>').insertAfter("#tree_viewers-sidebar" + lastName.replace(/ |//g, "_"))
lastName = "-" + curName
$(".menu-links a").css("padding", "0px 8px")
$(".panel-body").css("background-color", "white")
$("#panels-region .panel-wrapper .panel-default").css("background-color", "white")