I have a Laravel accounting project. In ledger section it have "Debit", "Credit", and "Blance" column. I need calculation with debit and credit column and show it Balance column. I am trying to do it with datatable. But my last balance show in the bottom of balance column. I need it top. Please see the attach image for more clearence.
In my view file:
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-center" id="tablename" width="100%">
<th>Payment Type</th>
<th>Total Balance</th>
$balance = 0;
@forelse ($ledgers as $ledger)
@if((($ledger->table_type == 'Expense') && ($ledger->transaction_type == 'Prepaid Adjust' || $ledger->transaction_type == 'Current' || $ledger->transaction_type == 'Due'|| $ledger->transaction_type == 'Payment')) || (($ledger->table_type == 'Asset') && ($ledger->transaction_type == 'Adjust' )))
@if($ledger->table_type == 'Expense')
<?php $balance = $ledger->at_amount + $balance;?>
<?php $balance = $balance - $ledger->at_amount;?>
@if((($ledger->table_type == 'Income') && ($ledger->transaction_type == 'Advance Adjust'|| $ledger->transaction_type == 'Current' || $ledger->transaction_type == 'Due')) || (($ledger->table_type == 'Expense') && ($ledger->transaction_type == 'Account Payable' )))
@if($ledger->table_type == 'Income')
<?php $balance = $ledger->at_amount + $balance;?>
<?php $balance = $balance - $ledger->at_amount;?>
<th>{{ $balance }} </th>
var branch_name = 'Branch: '+{!! json_encode(auth()->user()->branch->branch_name) !!};
var branch_phone = 'Phone: '+{!! json_encode(auth()->user()->branch->branch_phone) !!};
var branch_address = 'Address: '+{!! json_encode(auth()->user()->branch->branch_address) !!};
var title = 'Report: '+{!! json_encode($title) !!};
var data = 'Data: '+{!! json_encode($fromDate) !!}+' '+{!! json_encode($toDate) !!};
pageLength: 25,
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My output show calculation from top to bottom (Last balance show bottom): I need calculation from bottom to top (Last balance will show top):
My output image: click
I need out put like this image: