I'm new to neural networks/machine learning/genetic algorithms, and for my first implementation I am writing a network that learns to play snake (An example in case you haven't played it before) I have a few questions that I don't fully understand:
Before my questions I just want to make sure I understand the general idea correctly. There is a population of snakes, each with randomly generated DNA. The DNA is the weights used in the neural network. Each time the snake moves, it uses the neural net to decide where to go (using a bias). When the population dies, select some parents (maybe highest fitness), and crossover their DNA with a slight mutation chance.
1) If given the whole board as an input (about 400 spots) enough hidden layers (no idea how many, maybe 256-64-32-2?), and enough time, would it learn to not box itself in?
2) What would be good inputs? Here are some of my ideas:
- 400 inputs, one for each space on the board. Positive if snake should go there (the apple) and negative if it is a wall/your body. The closer to -1/1 it is the closer it is.
- 6 inputs: game width, game height, snake x, snake y, apple x, and apple y (may learn to play on different size boards if trained that way, but not sure how to input it's body, since it changes size)
- Give it a field of view (maybe 3x3 square in front of head) that can alert the snake of a wall, apple, or it's body. (the snake would only be able to see whats right in front unfortunately, which could hinder it's learning ability)
3) Given the input method, what would be a good starting place for hidden layer sizes (of course plan on tweaking this, just don't know what a good starting place)
4) Finally, the fitness of the snake. Besides time to get the apple, it's length, and it's lifetime, should anything else be factored in? In order to get the snake to learn to not block itself in, is there anything else I could add to the fitness to help that?
Thank you!