It is often said that one should prefer lapply
over for
There are some exception as for example Hadley Wickham points out in his Advance R book.
( (Modifying in place, Recursion etc). The following is one of this case.
Just for sake of learning, I tried to rewrite a perceptron algorithm in a functional form in order to benchmark relative performance. source (
Here is the code.
# prepare input
irissubdf <- iris[1:100, c(1, 3, 5)]
names(irissubdf) <- c("sepal", "petal", "species")
irissubdf$y <- 1
irissubdf[irissubdf[, 3] == "setosa", 4] <- -1
x <- irissubdf[, c(1, 2)]
y <- irissubdf[, 4]
# perceptron function with for
perceptron <- function(x, y, eta, niter) {
# initialize weight vector
weight <- rep(0, dim(x)[2] + 1)
errors <- rep(0, niter)
# loop over number of epochs niter
for (jj in 1:niter) {
# loop through training data set
for (ii in 1:length(y)) {
# Predict binary label using Heaviside activation
# function
z <- sum(weight[2:length(weight)] * as.numeric(x[ii,
])) + weight[1]
if (z < 0) {
ypred <- -1
} else {
ypred <- 1
# Change weight - the formula doesn't do anything
# if the predicted value is correct
weightdiff <- eta * (y[ii] - ypred) * c(1,
as.numeric(x[ii, ]))
weight <- weight + weightdiff
# Update error function
if ((y[ii] - ypred) != 0) {
errors[jj] <- errors[jj] + 1
# weight to decide between the two species
err <- perceptron(x, y, 1, 10)
### my rewriting in functional form auxiliary
### function
faux <- function(x, weight, y, eta) {
err <- 0
z <- sum(weight[2:length(weight)] * as.numeric(x)) +
if (z < 0) {
ypred <- -1
} else {
ypred <- 1
# Change weight - the formula doesn't do anything
# if the predicted value is correct
weightdiff <- eta * (y - ypred) * c(1, as.numeric(x))
weight <<- weight + weightdiff
# Update error function
if ((y - ypred) != 0) {
err <- 1
weight <- rep(0, 3)
weightdiff <- rep(0, 3)
f <- function() {
t <- replicate(10, sum(unlist(lapply(seq_along(irissubdf$y),
function(i) {
faux(irissubdf[i, 1:2], weight, irissubdf$y[i],
weight <<- rep(0, 3)
I did not expected any consistent improvement due to the aforementioned
issues. But nevertheless I was really surprised when I saw the sharp worsening
using lapply
and replicate
I obtained this results using microbenchmark
function from microbenchmark
What could possibly be the reasons? Could it be some memory leak?
expr min lq mean median uq
f() 48670.878 50600.7200 52767.6871 51746.2530 53541.2440
perceptron(as.matrix(irissubdf[1:2]), irissubdf$y, 1, 10) 4184.131 4437.2990 4686.7506 4532.6655 4751.4795
perceptronC(as.matrix(irissubdf[1:2]), irissubdf$y, 1, 10) 95.793 104.2045 123.7735 116.6065 140.5545
max neval
109715.673 100
6513.684 100
264.858 100
The first function is the lapply
The second is the function with for
The third is the same function in C++
using Rcpp
Here According to Roland the profiling of the function. I am not sure I can interpret it in the right way. It looks like to me most of the time is spent in subsetting Function profiling