Assumed shape dummy arguments (those with (:)
) require explicit interface to the procedure to be available at the call site. That means the calling code must know how exactly the subroutine header looks like. See also Module calling an external procedure with implicit interface
That explicit interface can be provided in several ways
1. preferred - a module procedure
module procedures
implicit none
function mysum(arr)
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: arr
real :: mysum
integer :: i,arrsize
arrsize = size(arr)
do i=1,arrsize
end function mysum
end module
program test
use procedures
implicit none
!no mysum declared here, it comes from the module
end program
2. internal procedure - only for short simple procedures or if the procedure needs access to the host's variables. Because of the access to the host variables it is error-prone.
program test
implicit none
!no a_sum declared here, it is visible below contains
function mysum(arr)
!implicit none inherited from the program
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: arr
real :: mysum
integer :: i,arrsize
arrsize = size(arr)
do i=1,arrsize
end function mysum
end program
3. interface block - not recommended at all, you should have some particular reason to use it
function mysum(arr)
! removed to save space
end function mysum
program test
implicit none
function mysum(arr)
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: arr
real :: mysum
end function
end interface
!no mysum declared there
!it is declared in the interface block
end program