In the following code the value of xysize
gets changed, if I do not declare it as a parameter (which I generally cannot do). It happens only with optimizations -O2 and more in gfortran 4.7.2 and OpenMPI 1.6. How is it possible? I cannot find the exact interface, that I import from mpi.mod
, but the C prototype clearly states that count
is passed by value, hence it cannot change.
write(*,*) im,"receiving from",image_index([iim,jim,kim+1]),"size",&
call MPI_RECV(D%A(D%starti:D%endi,D%startj:D%endj,D%endk+1),xysize , MPI_REAL, image_index([iim,jim,kim+1])-1,&
5000, comm, status, ierr)
write(*,*) im,"received size",&
1 receiving from 2 size 4096 4096
1 received size 4096 5000