I'm trying to use jqtouch theming which is based on SASS and COMPASS. I have a file custom.scss with the most simple code, one import and one variable to overwrite:
@import 'jqtouch';
// Override variables
$base-color: #fe892a;/* The default base which is later used for toolbar, list, and button backgrounds.*/
When I now compile the scss file to css, it will basically just generate the jqtouch css with my filename. The color specification is nowhere to be seen, although the variable is definitley correct per documentation (Official Guide) and in the jqtouch.scss file, which I import for costumizing.
I'm running Sass 3.2.9 and Compass 0.12.2 on a Windows machine.
I've tried it with more variables and different file imports, but the result is always, that my override values are not incorporated.
The ruby config file for compass seems to be unsuspicious.
Does anyone have an idea what goes wrong in the process so that my override values are ignored?