Drag and drop is actually quite hard to get right, so I recommend doing this via JavaScript. Executing JS is actually quite easy using Karate:
* driver 'https://www.seleniumeasy.com/test/drag-and-drop-demo.html'
* script("var myDragEvent = new Event('dragstart'); myDragEvent.dataTransfer = new DataTransfer()")
* waitFor('{}Draggable 1').script("_.dispatchEvent(myDragEvent)")
* script("var myDropEvent = new Event('drop'); myDropEvent.dataTransfer = myDragEvent.dataTransfer")
* script('#mydropzone', "_.dispatchEvent(myDropEvent)")
* screenshot()
So with a little bit of awareness of some of the internals - e.g. the HTML5 DataTransfer
API - you can do pretty much anything. I think "bending the rules" in cases like this is fine when it comes to automating complex E2E user-interactions in a browser.
You can of course wrap the drag-and-drop into a re-usable function in Karate, just keep in mind that "DOM JS" is sent to the browser as plain-text.
Refer the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-core#function-composition
EDIT: for those looking for other examples of using JS on the DOM: