With below code, input#p_in will be updated with the change of input#s_in. But I have used cleanNode(sec). Could anyone help understand why the binding is not cleared.
<input id="p_in" data-bind="value: name"></input>
<input id="s_in" data-bind="value: name"></input>
<input id="cb" type="checkbox">same</input>
<script type="text/javascript">
function AddrDataSet (name) {
this.name = ko.observable(name);
var primary_set = new AddrDataSet('p');
var sec_set = new AddrDataSet('s');
var pri = $('#p_in')[0];
var sec = $('#s_in')[0];
ko.applyBindings(primary_set, pri);
ko.applyBindings(sec_set, sec);
ko.cleanNode(sec); // clean it
ko.applyBindings(primary_set, sec); // bind it to primary_set
ko.cleanNode(sec); // clean it again