Is there a way to optimize my code even further? I am trying to solve the 2020 CCC J5/Q2 question and I have passed all the test cases except for a few, which I am exceeding the time limit.
Link to the question (It is the last question)
row = int(input())
column = int(input())
array = [list(map(int, input().split())) for x in range(row)]
area = row*column
#Setting the queue to only have -1
pathways = [-1]*(area+1)
emptyS = 0
currentPath = 0
inList = [False] * 1000001
#Setting the first number in the queue to equal the number at [0][0]
pathways[emptyS] = array[0][0]
emptyS += 1`enter code here`
#Checking if the number at [0][0] is the answer (the answer is the area of the array)
if pathways[currentPath] == area:
raise SystemExit(0)
#Using BFS to find the answer
#Looping until the queue hits -1
while pathways[currentPath] != -1:
for x in range(1, row+1):
if pathways[currentPath] % x == 0:
for y in range(1, column+1):
#I wasn't sure how to add 1 to every index of my 2d array, so I added 1 in the for loop, and arrayMN is the actual index in my loop.
arrayMN = array[x-1][y-1]
if pathways[currentPath] == x*y:
#Checking if the value is equal to the answer
if arrayMN == area:
raise SystemExit(0)
#If it isn't equal, either replace the -1 in pathways with the number (add it to the queue) or don't add it to prevent a loop)
if inList[arrayMN] == False:
pathways[emptyS] = arrayMN
emptyS += 1
inList[arrayMN] = True
currentPath += 1
#If none of the above works, it is not possible
This is my first forum post, so if there are any things I can do to improve my posts, please let me know.