I have a need to connect to FTPS server to which I am able to connect successfully using lftp. However, when I try with Python ftplib.FTP_TLS, it times out, the stack trace shows that it is waiting for the server to send welcome message or like. Does anyone know what the issue is and how to overcome? I wonder if there is something needs to be done on server side, but how come lftp client is working fine. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is the stack trace:
ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS()
ftp.connect(cfg.HOST, cfg.PORT, timeout=60)
File "C:UsersusernameSoftwaresPython27libftplib.py", line 135, in connect
self.welcome = self.getresp()
File "C:UsersusernameSoftwaresPython27libftplib.py", line 210, in getresp
resp = self.getmultiline()
File "C:UsersusernameSoftwaresPython27libftplib.py", line 196, in getmultiline
line = self.getline()
File "C:UsersusernameSoftwaresPython27libftplib.py", line 183, in getline
line = self.file.readline()
File "C:UsersusernameSoftwaresPython27libsocket.py", line 447, in readline
data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)
socket.timeout: timed out
A successful login using lftp to the same ftps server:
$ lftp
lftp :~> open ftps://ip_address:990
lftp ip_address:~> set ftps:initial-prot P
lftp ip_address:~> login ftps_user_id ftps_user_passwd
lftp sftp_user_id@ip_address:~> ls
ls: Fatal error: SSL_connect: self signed certificate
lftp ftps_user_id@ip_address:~> set ssl:verif-certificate off
lftp ftps_user_id@ip_address:~> ls
lftp ftps_user_id@ip_address:/>
BTW, I am using Python 2.7.3. I did quite a bit of search using Google but have not found anything helpful.
I am still having this issue, appreciate if someone can help. On looking closely the FTP.connect() the connection to server is not a problem but getting acknowledgement (or the welcome message) from server is an issue. lftp does not have this issue and FileZilla does not have any issue either as in the log here -
Status: Connecting to xx.xx.xx.xxx:990...
Status: Connection established, initializing TLS...
Status: Verifying certificate...
Status: TLS/SSL connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220- Vous allez vous connecter sur un serveur prive
Response: 220- Seules les personnes habilitees y sont autorisees
Response: 220 Les contrevenants s'exposent aux poursuites prevues par la loi.
Command: USER xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Response: 331 Password required for xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Command: PASS **********
Response: 230 Login OK. Proceed.
Command: PBSZ 0
Response: 200 PBSZ Command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0.
Command: PROT P
Response: 200 PROT Command OK. Using Private data connection
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is current folder.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (81,93,20,199,4,206).
Command: MLSD
Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD /.
Response: 226 Transfer complete. 0 bytes transferred. 0 bps.
Status: Directory listing successful